Tomiko Claire
こんにちは! アメリカ出身のトミコ・クレアです。 私のお母さんが日系アメリカ人なので、私にも日本の血が流れています。 絵を描くこと、お芝居、歌うことが好きです!本を読んだり、庭で過ごしたり、山へ行ってハイキングをするのも好きです。 好きな食べ物はティラミス!毎日でも食べれます。一度きりの人生、後悔したくないので、色んな事にトライしたいです!
Good afternoon! I hope you all are having a lovely day! 😊😊(0)
Ready for another day in nature! 🌿(0)
Goodnight everyone! 🤗(0)
Today is Valentine's Day in America! I hope you are all enjoying time with the ones you love! 💕💕(0)
Balance !! 🤸🏻♂️(0)
Sitting in the back seat of the car. I really enjoy road trips! They have a certain nostalgia for me. ☺️(0)
Exploring Santa Fey!(0)
I made a new friend today. 😊🐶(0)
Morning sunlight ☀️(0)
Pretty lights in a town square. I'm really enjoying Santa Fe!(0)
I like listening to all kinds of music when I'm traveling on the road. It makes the drive go by much faster!(0)
In nature! 🌿(0)
Dinner at a cute pizza restaurant! 🍕(0)
I did a very fun fairytale style photo shoot today! I am so excited to see how the photos turn out!(0)
Such a pretty day! 💚(0)
On my way to the next adventure! (0)
Feels like Summer 🌸(0)
I want to live in a fairytale ☺️☺️(0)
Curly hair! 😋(0)
What a lovely day out in nature! 😊😊(0)