Tomiko Claire
こんにちは! アメリカ出身のトミコ・クレアです。 私のお母さんが日系アメリカ人なので、私にも日本の血が流れています。 絵を描くこと、お芝居、歌うことが好きです!本を読んだり、庭で過ごしたり、山へ行ってハイキングをするのも好きです。 好きな食べ物はティラミス!毎日でも食べれます。一度きりの人生、後悔したくないので、色んな事にトライしたいです!
Getting ready to study 📖(0)
Today in San Francisco, it rained for the first time in quite a while. Everything feels so clean and refreshed now~ ☔️(0)
I will be returning to Japan in less than a week. How exciting! I can't wait to visit all of you in Tokyo! ☺️(0)
What a perfect sunny day in America! ☀️(0)
I am very happy to be back in Japan! Just arrived yesterday ✈️ (0)
One of my favorites! 😋(0)
Back in America 🌉 I'm looking forward to returning to Japan in the near future! 😃(0)
Just about to go shopping for cooking ingredients! I wonder what I will make today...?(0)
Decorating my name tag at the Miss iD event from several days ago!(0)
Pretty view! 🌲✨(0)
Ice cream! 🍦💕(0)
Back during the Clearstone filming! I had so much fun and met so many new friends. I hope to do more things like that!(0)
What a bright and sunny day! Hello everyone! I hope the world is treating you well! 🌠(0)
I'm going to be meeting with my Japanse teacher later today! I'm excited to see her and her adorable poodle~! 😁(0)
There is nothing more than a warm cup of tea on a chilly day!(0)
Let's cook together for Thanksgiving in English!(0)
Cooking in English part 2!(0)
Exploring the world with my sister! 🌳💕(0)
Thanksgiving was yesterday! So much food! 🍴(0)
Victorian theme 🌟(0)