Tomiko Claire
こんにちは! アメリカ出身のトミコ・クレアです。 私のお母さんが日系アメリカ人なので、私にも日本の血が流れています。 絵を描くこと、お芝居、歌うことが好きです!本を読んだり、庭で過ごしたり、山へ行ってハイキングをするのも好きです。 好きな食べ物はティラミス!毎日でも食べれます。一度きりの人生、後悔したくないので、色んな事にトライしたいです!
All bundled up. It was a cold day in California!(0)
Let's draw! かわいい絵を描きましょう。✏️✏️(0)
Thank you for joining my live-stream! I really appreciate your support! 😊(0)
Long car rides 🚘🚘(0)
Inner peace 😌(0)
🍰 Sweet 🍰(0)
Let's go on a nature adventure! (0)
Sunny day! ☀️ It's always so pretty in the morning, I often eat my breakfast outside! 😊(0)
Let's go on a nature walk! 🌲🌲(0)
Father and daughter hike!(0)
🍂Looking forward to the beginnings of Fall 🍂(0)
🐇I love lace curtains. They remind me of Wonderland~🐇(0)
A smile is the best medicine! 😁(0)
I've been looking through old picture frames lately. This is one of my favorite finds! (0)
I always get really excited when the sun is bright enough to wear my favorite pair of sunglasses. 😎(0)
At the beach! ☀️(0)
I'm so sorry I had to quite the live-stream so early. I was having some technical difficulties 😥 I will do another one soon to make up for it though! :) (0)
On my way to an adventure in San Francisco! 🚘🚘🌉 Join me in my explorations! 😄😄(0)
Let's go sailing!(0)